Magical Creatures Begins!

I've been getting back into stitching lately, and there's one giant project I've been working on that I've been itching to share: Cloudsfactory's Magical Creatures SAL!

Isn't it a gorgeous piece?? There isn't anything quite like it. After about a year since I first started (exactly a year come April!) I'm finally making some progress. It's still slow going though! Between stitching and drawing too much as a teen, I've really worn out my arm. I've been stitching for about thirty minutes a day, give or take, so I don't overdo it, but it's been really hard to keep to that time limit! I just want to keep stitching this beauty.

Since I've already done a SAL with all the month names (the Woodland Creatures SAL by The Frosted Pumpkin), I've removed the writing from this one, and just added a few elements already present in the square into those empty spaces a bit of extra snow in the corner of January, a few extra starry/flame-y bits in March, etc.

I got to use some really lovely variegated thread for the trees. It made it hard to use regular threads afterward because the trees looked so nice!

There are lots of little tweaks and additions that I've made to this project to make it really my own thing, so I won't really go into depth about them. Redesigning elements of this project helped take my mind off some really hard things going on at the time and again now, so I hope no one thinks this is a critique of Cloudsfactory's work. Many of the things I changed were because what was there sparked another idea that I really wanted to stitch!

(This picture is frustrating to look at, because two sections of border are wrong, and I completely redid February's square after this picture was taken.)

Going to try and post a bit regularly on my progress with this one, so I'll be back soon!
