Friday again! How does Thursday slip by so quietly? I made wonderful progress on my WIPs though - the Mirabilia really came along nicely - but it's time to drag out the projects that never seem to get done. This seems to be the best section for me, too! All those 3/4 finished pieces really get finished up with a UFO time slot every week!
I've been finding white everywhere since I finished that Heart. Oh boy.
Right. I've finished two of the three projects I had officially had as part of my UFO roundup. While I haven't touched the third, the great big one with the teddy and sleeping kitten in a wicker chair, I want to put some more pieces in this slot. It's lucky or something! I'm moving the Halloween Carousel Horse to Fridays, instead of a more frequently worked on Wednesday roundup. I like it, really I do, but it just doesn't seem to be getting done. DX The black cats bookmark might be moved, but I really have no idea where I'm going with that one. I might just scrap it. I still haven't located my Larkspurs piece, even after the room overhaul I did - it must be adept at hiding, like all that white thread!! I'll also be adding the Welcome piece I've hadfor a while to the UFOs. The 'W' and the last loop needs finishing, as well as a twig or limb underneath the birds' claws. Time to get it done!!
I've been finding white everywhere since I finished that Heart. Oh boy.
Right. I've finished two of the three projects I had officially had as part of my UFO roundup. While I haven't touched the third, the great big one with the teddy and sleeping kitten in a wicker chair, I want to put some more pieces in this slot. It's lucky or something! I'm moving the Halloween Carousel Horse to Fridays, instead of a more frequently worked on Wednesday roundup. I like it, really I do, but it just doesn't seem to be getting done. DX The black cats bookmark might be moved, but I really have no idea where I'm going with that one. I might just scrap it. I still haven't located my Larkspurs piece, even after the room overhaul I did - it must be adept at hiding, like all that white thread!! I'll also be adding the Welcome piece I've had
If I can keep three in my UFOs at a time as a break from the more worked-on "Wednesday Works" I should do well, right?
Still debating the Celestial Dragon! If you have any colour schemes to suggest, I'm open! I'm pretty set on changing it. Something a little darker, I think. So even if I preserve the blue theme, it'll be darker and more contrasted with the fabric I have (since it's . . . . white. I'm so unusual. :P).
Also, I passed 800 views on this blog!! While it's nothing massive in the world of blogging, I'm know, this is fabulous! THANK YOU!!! :D This post also marks more posts than that of any other month since I started this blog. It's been the most consistently updated, most fun to write, and easiest to keep up with than any other blog I've ever tried. While it may not ever be hugely popular, I hope you can at least find some great free patterns through here, and maybe get some inspiration to try your hand at some cross stitch yourself. If a rambling, forgetful, procrastinating girl like me can do it, you certainly can! ;)
Over the weekend, I expect to get the finished project page updated with the Valentine Heart and all that good stuff. I have a few more links to add to the freebies list (check it out. Seriously. Down there, to the right. If what you want isn't listed, it will be soon, or you can suggest it so it gets there faster!), and UFOs to work on if the Mirabilia doesn't hog all my time. I don't expect to get a TV Tuesday post written until the end of July at the earliest. Watching two-three episodes a night isn't getting me through these dramas any faster it seems, so getting through one more to write about will take time. I'm mostly watching Substitute Princess, and as I started it over with my sister, I'm only just past where I stopped watching last time. I still need to finish watching ToGetHer. I might write one on City Hunter, since I watched that not so long ago, but still - not until the end of the month, I'm thinking. Hang in there!
Until Wednesday then, and the updated pages, keep stitching! ^.^ ~x~
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