Unfortunately, it looks like the pattern I based them on is no longer available to purchase; this is the Etsy shop I discovered it in, and you can see (if you scroll down to reviews) people who have purchased this pattern, but the pattern itself is no longer in the store.
The gazebo in the back left was inspired by Fablehaven: there is a place on the preserve near the Fairy Queen's shrine where the naiads live, and all around the pond there are white gazebos. I based my design on the artwork for them, though I didn't make them entirely white in my piece:
Near where I was living at the time I designed this, there was a lovely weeping willow that I just really wanted to stitch. It's now immortalized, I guess?, here in this square with the elves.
It was really hard to decide on colors for all the various pieces in this block, because there was just so much green to work with! I had wanted to go with shades that were silvery or grey-green, because it felt more staid and mature, like the elves I was going for, but it didn't really work with the bright pastels in the rest of this project. The square would just look faded and out of place; so I went with a bit of a compromise -- background elements are bit faded in tone, while the main elements are brighter.
Doesn't look too bad!
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